meia hora pra mudar

stupid words on borrachera last night (2)
March 25, 2010, 10:51 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

cierro los ojos
and i think about you
ok, talvez devesse pensar mais
o con más ganas
que seja


siempre que veo
algo como (una palabra que no se que es ><)
como lo que tiene
y no lo sabia
queria saber menos

que quando sabemos tudo
the things disappear

y pienso
que no deberia pensar
mucho, e pienso
esas cosas del amor

yeah! i know it’s
not mine
but i think
that this things

no ocurrien
siempre mas porque
você pensa nisso
vai ver as coisas sao melhores
vai ver eu estou amargurada com a vida

stupid words on borrachera last night
March 25, 2010, 10:33 am
Filed under: stupid ego

there is so many places
that we want to go
and if i choose now

i can’t
i can’t

because my mind is
so there
and here
and there

then i can’t think
i really try
but this is enough

and this is not
about you
you so confident
of yourself

or not

i need a little help
but maybe this is a excuse
to love you
or not

*choices that i don’t want to choose

March 22, 2010, 4:30 am
Filed under: ego

haz me no dormir, soñar, querer, pensar.
y un poco más allá de mi misma,

escorrer minhas mãos por meu corpo
misturar as línguas, a tua na minha,

and make me loose myself,
in words, feelings and space.

haz que mis días sean más largos
para que las cinco de la mañana nunca lleguen.